Stop and Smell the Flowers!



Just stop.


Look around the room that you are in.

What attracts your attention?

A person?

An object?

A view?

A pet?

A plant or flower?


Notice what it is for you in this moment.

And then, put your attention on it for 2-3 minutes.


Look at it as if you have never seen it before.

What do you become aware of?


Shape – size – colors – lines.




What features draw you in as you keep your attention on it?


Allow yourself to go deeper as if you were resting in your observation.

No effort, just curiosity… and pleasure.

Offering yourself a break in the line-up of activities, tasks and the fulfillment of the to-do list.

Creating a pause and a space to breathe more fully, to allow a rest and relaxation.

Nourishing your being – with ease and simplicity.

Now, check into your thoughts, emotions and /or body sensations? What are you aware of?

After a couple of minutes, allow your eyes to soften and let the distinction between you and your chosen subject of observation blur.

Just rest there.

And then, whenever you are ready, take deep breath, stretch your body and keep going about your day.


Establishing little breaks like this during the day support you in feeling more receptive and integrated into your environment. They help you reconnect to your body when you are doing ‘heady’ work, moving you back into the present moment.

And that present moment is always the best place from which to create your life.

So… Stop!


If you find some challenges in creating this change in perspective for yourself, let’s have a conversation and explore how I can support you in making this happen.


Amara’s Musings: Creating Spaciousness - Inside and Out

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