About Amara

Why I Do What I Do
I grew up in Germany and re-settled in Canada as a young adult. I studied psychology and Occupational Therapy and when working with my clients, my focus was always practical, helping them create the best life possible given the physical, mental and emotional challenges they might have.
After my marriage ended in divorce, I went on a long quest to create a better, more meaningful and enjoyable life for myself and my children. At that time in my life, I was feeling very angry and overwhelmed. I was tired and impatient with my kids and couldn’t really be present for them.
I was blaming others for the challenges I was experiencing and felt hard done by. I was confused about what avenue to pursue in my work. I was newly divorced, and it affected every aspect of my life.
I took a leap of faith and studied Feng Shui and Energy Clearing, later on Dyads, Shadow Work and most recently, Art of Feminine Presence and Movingness. Applying the practices and principles into everyday life turned everything around for me. I had never even considered that my home or work environment could affect me on a subconscious level and influence how I felt with the choices I made. I had never understood that I have to be present in my body to manifest the life I wanted, instead of dreaming about it.
The outcome has been most amazing:
I have created wonderful, nourishing relationships in my life.
My finances stabilized and have allowed me to study, travel and work all over the world.
From feeling my life constricting and shrinking, I moved into having endless doors open up.
I’m here to support you in moving forward on this exciting journey, to help create a physical environment that enables you to not only be productive, but able to recharge your batteries as well. I help you clarify and step into your vision, and identify and remove some of the obstacles that currently seem overwhelming and are holding you back.
- I have 20 years of experience as a Feng Shui and Energy Clearing expert
- I am a teacher for Movingness
- I am a Master teacher for The Art of Feminine Presence®.

All of my work can be done either in person or long distance via Zoom.
I am part of the One World One Heart Network of Energy Clearers, and you can go here for more information: https://one-world-one-heart.com
On the site you can find an interview with me that shares some juicy bits of my Energy Clearing journey in the olden days! https://one-world-one-heart.com/about/about-the-clearers/#AboutAmara24May2021

“ I was deeply wounded in childhood and early adulthood – the kind of stuff that people rarely fully recover from – and I have done a lot of work to try to heal. I tried several modalities, teachers, religions, types of therapy, and many alternative approaches. Most of what I tried helped a little bit, but the work with Amara was something completely different. Amara masterfully helped me get to the root of the issues and then she intuitively, energetically and directly helped me untangle things. She is a ninja, a stealthy assassinator of shadows – (you know, the things that lurk around in your subconscious that you sometimes are completely unaware of)?
Amara is tuned in and has a full toolbox ready to deploy. My results, the healing that I have experienced is a full-on miracle. I’m over joyed – and frankly a little shocked – to report that those ‘life-long’ wounds are so quickly and painlessly healed, like they never existed!! I am SO grateful to Amara and would readily recommend her to anyone who is ready to heal and significantly up-level their life!”
Jennifer Jones
P.S. If you like to know more about me, here are some Fun Facts:
- One of my secret pleasures is reading mystery novels.
- I love traveling and going on adventures and am excited about all there’s yet to explore! My dream is to be able to stay for longer periods in a country and submerse myself into its culture.
- My heart opens when I witness beauty: be it in another person (inside and out), nature, art and sometimes just the magical moments when I’m conscious of how wonderful life can be when I’m not interfering with the flow.
- I love writing and creating art from the inside, allowing what arises in me to be expressed on paper or canvas. Sometimes it turns into a big production – going on for a long time without much to show for and I love it, nonetheless.
- I can be quite goofy… mostly with the people close to me.