Personal Energy Clearing
I want you to be honest with yourself and just take a little pause right now to check in:
How often
- Are you feeling overwhelmed and triggered into actions that are unsupportive and repeat old patterns that do not serve anymore?
- Do you feel frustrated because you are over giving and people do not value or really get you?
- Do you experience a lack of clarity with moving forward and have a sense that others can do it, but not you?
- Do you let fear and complacency keep you from dreaming big and taking action towards those desires?

I know it’s easy to give up or live a smaller life than you really want.
So, I am asking you: “What are you longing for right now…?”
Do you want to have more energy during the day, feel confident in being seen and heard in your relationships at home and work and experience more clarity that allows your actions to be in alignment with what you desire and create the impact you long for?
I am here to support you in creating more spaciousness inside and around you, so that you can come back into the natural flow of life and feel momentum.
When you feel more spacious, you will
- connect with a sense of groundedness and safety, that brings clarity and focus.
- more easily set healthy boundaries and feel increased confidence in expressing yourself.
- open the door to reconnecting with and giving voice to what you are passionate about so you can choose actions that support your desired outcomes.
And…once you are in the flow, it’s much easier to make adjustments that bring you closer to the life you want.
It’s up to you!
Are you ready and committed to creating a shift in your life

Here's how you can work with me:
Book a Home Clearing session first. So much can happen during that experience on a personal level, that I want you to start with that experience.
Once the space is neutral and harmonized, there is room for you to create more flow, try new things, be more creative and inspired. It often helps as well to bring forward limiting beliefs and patterns that are now ready to let go.
At that point, we can decide on a package of Personal Clearing sessions. I do not offer single sessions. My experience has shown me that you will feel some momentary relief, but in order to experience a real shift, I recommend that you have at least 4 sessions.
Personal Clearing will look different for each client. We may work with strategies or energetic alignment, whatever is needed to move you towards your desired outcomes. I am always practical and use a holistic point of view.
Ready to get started?
Send me an email to connect and set up a conversation to see if we are a fit to work together.